Hello Everyone! My creative juices have been flowing so I've decided to share a t-shirt that I made over the we can. I call it "He Loves Me" because I was inspired by a vintage teenager sitting on the edge of her window sill repeating to herself "he loves me, he loves me not" while plucking flower petals. Plus, sunflowers are my favorite flowers =)
Step 1:
Cut the collar off of a white t-shirt. Start a 1/2 inch to 1 inch away from the top of the collar, then go around the collar to the other side for an "off the shoulder" look. Also, if desired, cut off a few inches from the bottom of the shirt using a straight edge, to give it a cropped look.
Step 2:
Draw your flower in pencil. I use a big can or jar for the middle of the flower and then free hand the rest.
Step 3:
Using acrylic paint, or another fabric paint of your choice (I use acrylic because it dries fast and gives a matte look) and a black sponge brush, outline the petals that you drew in pencil. This will help you stay within the lines and keep it looking neat. After this, fill the insides.
Step 4:
Use a fine tip paint bottle to write the words that you want on your petal, and voila!!! Enjoy your t-shirt ;)